2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 15, 2024  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ARTD 450 Q - Ashes2Art: Digital Reconstructions of Ancient Monuments (3 credits)

(Prereq: permission of the instructor) Ashes2Art combines cutting edge digital technologies, art history, graphic and web design, and digital photography to recreate monuments of the ancient past. The course is completely hands-on and provides an extraordinary opportunity for students to combine various skills from disparate disciplines. Students will conduct focused research on a specific monument (or city or object), write essays that summarize various opinions, and document those sources with an extended bibliography. Students then incorporate that research into a web-based project utilizing cutting edge technologies, including Adobe Photoshop, Google Earth, Sketch Up, Panoweaver, Tourweaver, Studio Max, Dreamweaver, Cinema 4D and Macromedia Flash animation. S.

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