2023 - 2024 Graduate Catalog 
    Jan 18, 2025  
2023 - 2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Campus Life




Student Affairs


Mission Statement

The Division of Student Affairs promotes an environment for student success through diverse experiential learning opportunities and a broad range of services that promote the development of healthy, responsible, and culturally aware citizens. The division of student affairs is made up of three subdivisions that include the following:

Student Engagement

Career Services Center


Career Services empowers students and alumni to explore career and graduate school options, develop professionally, and achieve success in their future endeavors.

The CCU Career Services Center provides career counseling for all students and alumni to explore their values, interests, abilities and personality to select or confirm majors and career paths. The center works collaboratively with faculty, freshmen success seminars, student organizations, and employers to help each student set and reach career goals.

The Career Services Center assists students with their search for jobs and internships. 

Career Services provides networking and professional development activities to connect students, alumni, and employers through a variety of campus programs including Fall and Spring Career Fairs, employer led workshops and presentations, campus interviews, networking events, and both online and in person recruitment opportunities. 

Our resources include a nationwide job and internship posting site, an online training and interview practice program, an online research site for jobs, contacts, and company information, and a virtual library for resume, job search, and interview information. 

The Career Services Center provides students with a dynamic internship program for all majors. Through this program students gain valuable work experience in their chosen fields while making contacts for their career network. Internships may be taken for credit or on a non-credit basis.

Military and Veteran Services


Military and Veterans Services serves as a resource to help student veterans and dependents of military succeed at Coastal Carolina University. This office includes the School Certifying Officials who assist students with their VA educational benefits. The Student Veterans Association collaborates with the professional staff in the office to advocate on behalf of veterans, service members, and dependents.

Orientation Transitions and Family Programs


Orientation Transitions & Family Programs develops and facilitates programs, initiatives, and services to support the transitional needs of new and current undergraduate students and their family members at Coastal Carolina University. The office designs programs to engage, challenge, develop, and support participants. Orientation Transitions & Family Programs develops orientation and transitional programs for all incoming students that help prepare them for experiencing college life, as well as the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead academically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially. The department also supports current students as they persist along their journey towards success and becoming proud Chanticleer alumni. Additionally, Orientation Transitions & Family Programs plans Family Weekend, works with the Family Council to better involve families in the University community, and is the source of student leadership development for the diverse team of students who serve as orientation leaders, team leaders, and student coordinators.

Student Involvement and Leadership

Student involvement and leadership serves as a hub for fostering a vibrant and engaged campus community. Comprising several functional areas, the department plays a pivotal role in shaping the overall student experience. The civic and community engagement division focuses on cultivating a sense of civic responsibility among students, encouraging active participation in community service initiatives and promoting social change. Fraternity and sorority life provides a supportive framework for Greek organizations offering leadership development opportunities, fostering brotherhood/sisterhood, and promoting values-based living. Student organizations and leadership empowers students to form and manage a diverse array of clubs and organizations, fostering personal growth, teamwork, and initiative. Lastly, campus programs and traditions are responsible for organizing events and activities that build school spirit, celebrate traditions, and enhance campus culture. Through these functional areas, the Department of Student Involvement and Leadership facilitates student growth, involvement, and leadership development, ultimately contributing to a vibrant and inclusive campus community.

Jackson Student Union


The Jackson Student Union is more than a building. It is the “living room” of our campus. There is a 230-seat movie theater offering discounted movies on the weekends, a state-of-the-art game room where students can relax between classes with a game of pool or video games, and a variety of lounge spaces for students to decompress between classes. In addition to some meeting spaces, the building houses a Student Organization Resource Center (SORC), where any student organization can go to work, meet, and prepare for their many events and activities.

Coastal Activities Board


The Campus Activities Board (CAB) at Coastal Carolina University is a dynamic student-led organization that plays a central role in planning and organizing a wide range of engaging events and activities on campus. Comprised of enthusiastic student leaders, CAB aims to enhance the student experience by providing diverse and entertaining programming that caters to the interests and preferences of the student body. From hosting concerts, guest speakers, and comedy shows to organizing cultural events, theme parties, and recreational activities, CAB strives to create a vibrant and inclusive campus community where students can socialize, relax, and have memorable experiences outside the classroom.

Student Government Association


The Student Government Association (SGA) includes student body elected executive officers and senators who represent each of the five colleges. The chief function of SGA is to be a liaison between the administration and the students, representing student opinion to the administration of the University, participating in the governance of the University by serving on many joint faculty-student committees, and serving as an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees.

Student Media

Three student publications are published during the academic year: The Chanticleer, the student newspaper, is printed at least monthly; Award-winning Archarios, the literary and art magazine is published in the spring semester; and award-winning Tempo magazine, the student feature magazine, is published in the fall and spring semesters.



Pathway 1954 is a leadership and engagement approach to add value to the out-of-class experience for every CCU student. This will be a self-paced, co-curricular experience that will offer many opportunities for students to engage in several content areas. Students that complete Pathway 1954 will have the opportunity to be inducted in the 1954 Society.

Dean of Students Office


The Dean of Students Office promotes the holistic development of students, focusing on student advocacy, crisis management, and personal accountability. The office serves as the primary contact for matters relating to the Code of Student Conduct and student behavior intervention.

Community Standards and Student Accountability

The community standards and student accountability team works to investigate, respond to, and resolve instances of alleged misconduct both on campus and in the surrounding communities, in order to foster a safe academic and social environment for all students. The student conduct process is intended to be an educational opportunity to assist students in understanding the impact of their decisions on both an individual and community level. The process operates within the guidelines of the Code of Student Conduct in order to determine students’ levels of responsibility for cases of misconduct based on the preponderance of information present.

Student Empowerment and Advocacy


Student empowerment and advocacy supports students in managing all aspects of their personal, social and academic success by addressing questions or concerns about utilizing various campus resources. This area assists students struggling to function academically, socially or mentally as a result of a personal challenge or crisis by aiding students in identifying and navigating offices both on and off campus to meet their respective needs.

Student Emergency Notification

Students may find themselves missing classes due to an emergency. The student emergency notification process is designed to serve as a resource and central point of contact for students who need to have their professors notified of their absences in emergency situations.

Off-Campus Student Services

Off-campus student services provides education, outreach, and support to all off-campus and commuter students.

In an effort to provide holistic support to the student, the Dean of Students Office also provides student emergency notifications, manages student benevolence funding, basic needs assistance, bias incident response, chosen/prefer name changes and Title IX support.

Academic Discipline

Student violations of academic discipline are dealt with in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct and administered through the Office of Academic Integrity. Further information is contained in the current edition of The Student Handbook and Academic Planner (Teal pages).

Student Wellness & Health Equity

Student Wellness and Health Equity provides holistic well-being services to CCU students to support success inside and outside of the classroom. The Center for Health and Well-being Building houses the departments in Student Wellness & Health Equity which include:

Some of the programs offered in Student Wellness & Health Equity include:

Step Up bystander intervention program, an initiative to encourage students to step up in situations that have the potential to endanger the health and safety of others

Sustainability Initiative


The Campus and Community Sustainability Initiative promotes the importance of an environmentally sustainable campus through learning and outreach. Some of the activities implemented by the Sustainability Initiative include game-day recycling, battery and ink jet/toner cartridge recycling, move-in day recycling, Campus Salvage, Earth Month, and other programs. CCU student/organizations include the Eco-Reps, Students for Environmental Action, and/or the Green Team. Students who are interested in participating should contact the Sustainability Initiative Office for more information.

Student Services

Accessibility and Disability Services


Coastal Carolina University is dedicated to establishing and maintaining a barrier-free environment with all of its resources. Students with physical, psychological, or learning disabilities receive accommodations and assistance through Accessibility and Disability Services. With appropriate documentation, a staff member determines accommodations needed to assist students in taking full advantage of their CCU educational opportunities. On-going academic coaching is offered to assist students to help ensure success at CCU. To access services and accommodations, students should obtain documentation of the disability and make an appointment with a staff member.

A student with a documented Learning Disability specifically related to foreign language learning or math learning may be eligible to pursue an alternate curriculum to satisfy the Core Curriculum’s foreign language or math requirements. To be considered for either of these accommodations, the student must first provide documentation of his/her learning disability (which clearly states the need for the alternate curriculum) to Accessibility and Disability Services. The final eligibility determination will be made only after the student meets with the Accessibility and Disability Services staff to discuss the appropriateness of the accommodation as well as other needs. For more information, please review the Accommodation Policy or contact Accessibility and Disability Services. Universitywide policies may be accessed through the University Policies website at www.coastal.edu/policies.



Identification cards are required for all members of the University community. Upon completion of their first registration, students will be issued a photo-ID (CINO Card) for use while enrolled at Coastal Carolina University. Valid CINO Cards are required for entrance to campus activities and events, for use of library materials and resources, for use of all campus facilities, and for use of meal plans and CINO Cash. University police officers are authorized by state law to request students and staff to present their CINO Card while on campus property at any time. Students must present a CINO Card when requested by any university official.

If cards are misplaced or destroyed, replacement ID cards can be obtained at a cost of $20. Visit the CINO Card website for information or contact the CINO Card Office at 843-349-4000.

Center for Global Engagement


The mission of the Center for Global Engagement is to support the enhancement of a global perspective among our students, faculty, staff, and community.  The CGE seeks to achieve this mission by (1) coordinating and facilitating efforts on campus to transform individuals and connect the world through education abroad; (2) programming to raise global awareness on campus and in our community; (3) cultivating a safe and supportive environment for learners and leaders from all parts of the world; and building sustainable partnerships that enhance he resource position of the university to achieve strategic global engagement.

International Recruitment and Admission / International Student and Scholar Services

The Center for Global Engagement coordinates the recruitment and admission process for all incoming undergraduate international students, collaborates with the Graduate Studies office on the recruitment and admission of international graduate students, and coordinates the evaluation of foreign credential transfer of credits for all CCU students. The Center for Global Engagement is the issuing office for I-20s and DS-2019s, the documents which support visa applications by international students and scholars to study, teach or do research in the United States. In addition, the Center for Global Engagement helps international students with other visa-related issues such as practical training and academic advising. The services offered by the Center for Global Engagement includes welcoming new international students, providing orientation, facilitating the registration process, and serving as primary contact for these students throughout their stay at Coastal Carolina University. The office provides information on cultural issues; maintains applications and literature on how to obtain social security cards, drivers’ licenses, health and automobile insurance; explains employment options; and serves as an on-going general information resource. The Center for Global Engagement also coordinates the Intercultural Experience Community, a living learning community at University Place, and supports other clubs and organizations through collaborative programming.  Trips and a variety of activities are organized each semester. For more information, please reach out to internationalservices@coastal.edu or stop by Kearns 207.

Education Abroad

The Center for Global Engagement actively promotes study, work, and travel abroad programs for CCU students to other countries and maintains oversight for risk management through policy development and insurance processing for all travel abroad for Coastal Carolina University. Coastal has entered into bilateral agreements with universities and colleges in Australia, Brazil, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, France, Germany, Ghana, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Senegal, Spain, , and the United Arab Emirates. The University sponsors its own academic programs through faculty-led education abroad programs and semester and year abroad programs, and third-party provider programs for study and internship abroad, which provide opportunities for summer, semester, or academic year engagement abroad with a focus on accessibility for all CCU students. In addition to completing academic coursework that can transfer back to satisfy required coursework at Coastal, students will also register for INTL 398 International Experiential Engagement. Please direct questions related to study opportunities to the Center for Global Engagement location in LJSU A109 or by visiting www.coastal.edu/educationabroad or emailing studyabroad@coastal.edu. For opportunities about international internships, please visit www.coastal.edu/internships/internationalinternships or stop by the Career Services office in LJSU A203.

In many cases financial aid may be used to help with study abroad expenses which would include: tuition, room and board, passport fees, personal and miscellaneous expenses and travel to and from the host country. The Center for Global Engagement will provide students with an estimated cost of attendance for their study abroad destination. Please check with the Financial Aid Office for specifics regarding eligibility. Keep in mind that financial aid can only be used for coursework that is satisfying degree requirements. The Center for Global Engagement also coordinates internal scholarship programs that have provided over $60,000 annually in education abroad scholarships. The University also provides mentoring support to help students apply for numerous prestige international scholarship programs that provide substantial grants for education abroad participation, including Gilman, Critical Languages Scholarship, Rotary, Fulbright, Boren, Schwarzman, and others. For more information about these programs, please visit www.coastal.edu/globalinitiatives.

Campus Internationalization

The Center for Global Engagement collaborates with departments across campus to support campus internationalization activities to raise global perspective.

Intercollegiate Athletics


Mission Statement

The Coastal Carolina University Department of Athletics seeks to provide our student-athletes the opportunities to reach their potential as responsible and productive citizens. This is accomplished by fostering a culture of success academically, athletically, and personally. Athletic participation has the ability to provide an added dimension to the overall college experience of a student and to benefit the student in their personal and professional challenges.


The Coastal Carolina University Department of Athletics promotes success in collegiate athletics without compromising excellence in academics or compliance. Department staff and coaches encourage student-athletes to maintain a balance between athletics, academics, and the social aspects of the collegiate experience. Athletic participation has the ability to provide an added dimension to the overall college experience of a student and to benefit the student in his/her personal and professional challenges.

Guiding Principles

Each day the following principles will be the focus of the Department of Athletics staff:

  • Educate our student-athletes on the importance and value of academic success and earning a degree from Coastal Carolina University.
  • Invest the resources necessary to develop competitive sports programs that compete for conference, regional and national championships on an annual basis.
  • Create and implement programming to Teach personal growth characteristics and opportunities to each of our student-athletes.
  • Develop the athletic department’s annual operating and capital project budgets by maximizing current funding streams and creating new revenue opportunities.
  • Commitment to Integrity by developing and maintaining a comprehensive internal and external compliance program.
  • Financial stability by implementing a zero-based budget process that identifies and addresses actual unit and sport program funding requirements.
  • Create an environment where the spirit of Gender Equity and respect for Diversity are fundamental components of the decision-making process.
  • Unity through the creation of a family environment that values each and every employee.
  • Embrace our community through public service projects and initiatives.

Intercollegiate athletic programs are recognized as valuable assets in enhancing campus spirit and fostering excellence of character, responsibility, sportsmanship, self-esteem, and physical development among its participants.

Coastal Carolina University fields 19 intercollegiate teams. The women’s program includes lacrosse, soccer, cross country, tennis, basketball, volleyball, beach volleyball, golf, softball, indoor track and field, and outdoor track and field. Men compete in football, cross country, tennis, basketball, soccer, baseball, golf, and outdoor track and field. The teams are named after the Coastal Carolina University mascot, the Chanticleer, and wear the official school colors of Coastal teal and bronze.

The University is affiliated with the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), Division I, and is a member of the Sun Belt Conference and affiliate member of the Atlantic Sun Conference for women’s lacrosse and beach volleyball. These affiliations permit student-athletes to receive local, regional, and national recognition for their accomplishments.

Scholarships are awarded by each of the 19 sponsored sports programs to qualified student-athletes. Questions regarding athletic scholarships should be directed to the appropriate coach in the Department of Athletics. Recipients of aid are required to satisfy certain academic standards set by the University, the Sun Belt and Atlantic Sun Conferences, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

All full-time Coastal Carolina University students are admitted without charge to all athletic events with their student identification card, based on ticket availability.

Office of Intercultural and Inclusion Student Services


Multicultural Student Services offers cultural development opportunities grounded in social justice and inclusion for students, faculty, staff, and the community through a variety of programming and involvement. Through this, the department collaboratively creates a safe and supportive campus environment that encourages achievement and success for all.

Leadership Challenge Program

Leadership Challenge is designed to get underrepresented students involved with campus life as a means of reinforcing their identity with the University. Students are involved in a variety of programs that promote the development of leadership skills, and the potential for personal growth. This is done through positive experiences such as workshops, educational speakers, and conferences.

Freshman Mentoring Program

Students Navigating and Advising Peers (SNAP) is a mentoring program where freshmen students are assigned mentors who are upperclassmen. The goal of the program is to help new students adjust and transition into the University. One of the events called “First Thursday” plays a major part of the SNAP Mentoring Program. At these sessions, topics are presented based on feedback from the freshmen and the mentors. Workshops are planned and implemented each first Thursday of the month.

Ethnic Celebrations

Celebrations highlighting the heritage of different people are designed to educate and enhance awareness of various cultures through art, history, music, performances, lectures, and informative displays. The cultures highlighted usually include Asian, African, African-American, Hispanic/Latinx, and Native/Indigenous. The annual “Cultural Celebration” is an event that highlights many different cultures in an outdoor festival. It is designed to involve students, faculty, staff, and the community in celebrating differences through history, music, dance and food.

Inclusion Workshops

These workshops are presented to First Year Experience (FYE) classes and to other groups on campus. The goal is to increase awareness of diversity, inclusion and, cultural differences. The workshops are designed to engage students in discussing and sharing their perceptions. This presentation focuses on various aspects of diversity and social justice. “Chants Chat” is another opportunity for students to share their views on topics about differences, diversity, and how inclusion makes Coastal and the world a better place.

African American Initiative for Males (AAIM)

This initiative is designed to provide a venue for African American males to come together and share common concerns and discuss issues that affect them. AAIM is designed to develop and/or enhance the skills of the men in the program. A series called “Barber Shop Talk” provides an opportunity for students to share their concerns. Information and resources are provided to assist them. Motivational speakers are another way the program tries to address the issues that arise. The overall goal is creating a successful college experience for the members.

Women of Color Program

This program is designed to provide a venue for women of color to come together and share common concerns and discuss issues that affect them on and off campus. Empowerment sessions are venues used for student expression and to provide guidance and information. Educational speakers are another way of sharing information on topics that might affect them in their matriculation at the University. 

LGBTQ+ Initiatives

These initiatives are designed to actively raise awareness and provide education to students, faculty and staff about the important issues faced by individuals in the LGBTQ+ community. Training (Safe Zone) is also offered for those who want to know more about this community and how to become allies.

Advisement and Mentoring for Student Organizations

The office staff serves as advisers for several campus clubs and organizations. They mentor the officers, attend meetings/programs, and supports them in understanding University policies and procedures. These groups include the NAACP, African American Association, the Gospel Choir, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., People Respecting Individual Diversity and Equality (PRIDE), and Alpha Psi Lambda Fraternity, Inc.

Safe Zone


Safe Zone at CCU provides a visible network of volunteers for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and other individuals seeking information and assistance regarding sexual orientation, gender identity, harassment and/or discrimination. Safe Zone allies participate in a two-hour training session and commit to the Safe Zone program mission. Once training and commitment are completed, Safe Zone allies are identified by a CCU Safe Zone logo placed on each ally’s door and/or backpack/bag. For more information, consult the Safe Zone website at www.coastal.edu/safezone or call Counseling Services at 843-349-2305.

Student Complaint Policy and Procedure

Policy Summary (click here to view the complete policy)

All Coastal Carolina University students will be provided an adequate opportunity to bring complaints to the attention of the administration with the assurance they will be treated promptly, professionally, fairly, confidentially, and without fear of reprisal. This policy guides the orderly procedure of complaints and attempts at resolution. University wide policies may be accessed through the University Policies website at www.coastal.edu/policies.

Student Computing Services (SCS)


Striving to enhance the students’ academic experience, SCS provides assistance to students on technical issues and technology-related projects. The SCS employees, who are mainly qualified student assistants, maintain the general-access computer labs, assist with computer accounts and academic projects, support the residence hall computer operations, and advise on computer and software purchases. In addition, SCS assists with email, Moodle, Self Service, printing, and wireless access. Some majors may require students to have their own notebooks; refer to the SCS website for the latest recommended computer specifications and requirements.

Title IX Compliance

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in educational programs and activities at most schools, colleges and universities. Title IX is commonly associated with the concept of gender equity in athletics – a goal that has supported the growth and strength of women’s athletics programs. Title IX is far broader in its scope and protections, including a prohibition on sexual harassment, sexual violence and all forms of sexual misconduct.

Under Title IX, the University, as a recipient of federal funding, must have a process in place for responding to allegations of sexual discrimination, harassment or sexual violence. Placing these responsibilities under the auspices of an educational institution is a sensitive subject, since many feel that such complaints should be handled exclusively by the police. Individuals are encouraged to report criminal behavior to local law enforcement. However, even when local law enforcement is involved, universities are required to provide an alternative process for resolving complaints within our community. Our processes are designed to provide the affected individuals with more support and resources than they might find in the criminal justice system.

Faculty and staff are obligated to report any information brought to their attention related to sexual assault, sexual harassment or sexual violence. For additional information about Title IX and contact information on reporting, go to http://www.coastal.edu/titleix/. The CCU Title IX Coordinator may be reached by calling the Office phone: 843-349-2382, Email: titleix@coastal.edu. The Coordinator will facilitate our efforts to improve the campus climate, ensure we have effective resources in place for students, faculty and staff who are affected by sexual harassment, discrimination or violence, and implement policies and practices that are prompt, equitable and in compliance with federal mandates including Title IX. Please know that we will be vigilant in addressing these issues and doing everything we can to maintain a safe educational and work environment for all members of the Coastal community.

Department of Public Safety



The University maintains its own police department, whose public safety officers are state certified. The police force is augmented by security personnel. State laws and University rules and regulations are enforced by this department.

Vehicle Registration

The University recognizes the importance of providing parking for the campus community. Regulations regarding vehicle registration and parking are distributed by the Department of Public Safety. Copies are available online from the Department of Public Safety website. Students, faculty, staff and visitors are required to register their vehicles at the Office of the Department of Public Safety.

Emergency Information Center


The online emergency information center is a comprehensive overview of Coastal Carolina University emergency policy and procedures. Coastal Carolina University alert is a state-of-the-art emergency notification system that enables us to send emergency notifications instantly and simultaneously to all registered mobile phones and through email. To register and to review the Emergency Manual and the Hurricane Manual, visit the Online Emergency Information Center website.

Sex Offender Registry

As required by the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, part of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, the law provides that those required to register as sex offenders under various state laws must now also provide notice when they attend or are employed by an institution of higher education. The Coastal Carolina University Department of Public Safety maintains a registry of CCU students and employees who have been convicted of sex crimes. This registry is available to any member of the public. Anyone who wishes to view the registry should contact the CCU Department of Public Safety.

Effective May 2009, Coastal Carolina University does not permit Registered Sex Offenders to enroll in classes or participate in campus activities. Additionally, failure to disclose registration shall result in immediate expulsion and revocation of any privileges as a student.

University Bookstore


The Bookstore has used and new textbooks, rentable titles, and digital books required for Coastal Carolina University courses. The Bookstore also carries all course-related supplies, and offers software at educationally discounted prices. You will also find the best brand names in Coastal Carolina clothing and gifts at the CCU Bookstore. Your entertainment needs are met here with a large selection in college music and general books. The Bookstore also offers discount movie tickets through Carmike Cinemas. The Bookstore invites all students to come in and shop or study; there are many reading and entertainment lounges located throughout the store.

University Libraries


University Libraries provide students access to resources and services to enhance their academic performance. Students can access over 300 databases with 140 thousand journals, 150 thousand streaming videos, and one million books. With PASCAL and Interlibrary Loan, students can even request materials from other libraries for free.  Research librarians are available for consultations to help patrons navigate these resources.  

University Libraries also lend technology, including laptops, cameras, projectors, and calculators. Within the library, phone and laptop chargers, desktops, printers, and reliable Wi-Fi are available. 

The library Makerspace provides access to the latest in prototype manufacturing: 3D printing, laser cutting, vinyl cutting, milling, sewing, VR, and more. Students can get hands-on experience in workshops or schedule appointments for assistance with personal or academic projects. University Libraries meet all students’ needs with spaces for collaborative group study, silent individual study, and everything in between. 

University Recreation


University Recreation encourages student engagement and success through participation in recreation to support the development of healthy and responsible individuals. The HTC Student Recreation and Convocation Center is the center of all campus recreational activity and houses a running track, climbing wall, fitness rooms, an outdoor equipment rental center, and the latest fitness and cardio equipment. The Williams-Brice building houses a swimming pool and two gymnasiums. Joseph Holliday Tennis Courts, directly behind the Spring Brooks Stadium, features six competition courts. Intramural activities are played on the East Campus fields known as “The Coop,” a large outdoor field complex which is also available to the students for pickup games. The campus community is encouraged to participate in any of these activities with a valid Coastal Carolina University I.D.

Chanticleer Outdoor Adventures


Chanticleer Outdoor Adventures (COA) offers a variety of safe outdoor recreation adventures and educational trips and skills training to students, staff and faculty who want to spend time outdoors and develop skills to be proficient in outdoor activities. Trips include kayaking, backpacking, rafting, rock climbing, camping, and fishing to name a few. All trips are led by qualified field instructors, and students are encouraged to become outdoor leaders for COA during their college experience.



Flag football, basketball, softball, ultimate frisbee, volleyball, and soccer are just a few of the team sports available in men’s, women’s, and co-educational divisions. Individual events include badminton, pickleball, racquetball, swimming, and tennis. All sports offer multiple playing levels to ensure participants a variety of competition. Some of our intramural teams have represented Coastal Carolina University at regional and national championship tournaments.

Sport Clubs


Sport Clubs are available for students who have an interest in a particular sport or activity. There are more than 22 active sport clubs ranging from competitive to non-competitive opportunities.

Campus Dining


CCU Food Crew provides a high-quality experience to students in our dining facilities located all over the Coastal Carolina University campus. We offer customer-oriented locations featuring a variety of menu choices. You can enjoy a leisurely cup of coffee with your friends, have late night pizza delivered to your residence hall, or enjoy all-you-care-to-eat in Hicks Dining Hall just to name a few. CCU Food Crew accommodates residents with multiple meal plan options. Visit coastalcarolina.campusdish.com for more information on these options and find the answers to any of your dining questions.

University Housing



Coastal Carolina University maintains campus residence halls which house approximately 4,700 students. The types of residential communities range from apartment-style to traditional suite-style accommodations. A variety of programming and special interest housing communities are available to students. These efforts assist and encourage the residents to interact with faculty, staff, and other students. All residence halls are staffed by professional and para-professional staff members who are thoroughly trained and educated in the development of students. All first- and second-year students are required to live in University Housing.