Feb 05, 2025
2024 - 2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Biology Education, B.S.
The B.S. in Biology Education will provide foundational knowledge leading to certification in biology and general secondary science education. This degree focuses on biology (cellular, molecular,ecological, evolutionary) but integrates a broad foundation in natural science (chemistry, physics,mathematics, statistics). Biology education graduates will be able to apply critical thinking and data to understand and demonstrate the relevance of known and emerging connections between the various fields of biological science, other basic sciences and math, and environmental science. The program is offered in tandem with the Spadoni College of Education and Social Sciences and follows the degree completion requirements set by the South Carolina Department of Education and Spadoni College.
Student Learning Outcomes: Students who earn a B.S. in biology education should be able to:
- Explain the basic principles and concepts of the broad range of specialties within biology (cellular, molecular, ecological) and integrate these within biology but also across other general sciences (chemistry, physics, mathematics, statistics).
- Apply the principles of scientific inquiry to describe, analyze, and solve scientific problems involving biology.
- Demonstrate proficiency in education pedagogy and apply it to effectively deliver biology and general science content to secondary science students.
- Integrate knowledge of biology and education pedagogy and practices to effectively communicate content to secondary science students.
- Communicate effectively with peers, mentors, students and the larger community.
- Obtain certification to teach grades 9-12.
Double Majors: Students may double major in any CCU program which offers a bachelor’s degree. To complete a double major, students must satisfy the major requirements for both programs and complete a minimum combined total of 48 upper level credits in the two majors, all with a grade of “C” or better. Biology education students that complete a second major in biology may apply the 8 required 300-level foundation credits in biology (BIOL 340/L, BIOL 350/L, BIOL 370/L) between the biology education and the biology degree.
Degree Requirements (122- 128 credits)
Education requirements (9 - 12 educator certification)
General Science Requirements (State Licensure 24 credits)
Education Certification Requirements (State Licensure 42 credits)
BIED Foundation Requirements (32 credits)
Choose from the following (4 credits):
Choose one of the following sequences (8 credits):
- PHYS 205 Introductory Physics for Life Sciences I - 3 credits AND
- PHYS 205L Introductory Physics for Life Sciences I Laboratory - 1 credit
AND - PHYS 206 Introductory Physics for Life Sciences II - 3 credits AND
- PHYS 206L Introductory Physics for Life Sciences II Laboratory - 1 credit
- PHYS 211 Essentials of Physics I - 3 credits AND
- PHYS 211L Essentials of Physics I Laboratory - 1 credit
AND - PHYS 212 Essentials of Physics II - 3 credits AND
- PHYS 212L Essentials of Physics II Laboratory - 1 credit
NOTE: 24 credits of the foundation courses above (BIOL 121, 121L, 122, 122L, CHEM 111, 111L, 112, 112L, PHYS 205, 205L, 206, 206L, or PHYS 211, 211L, 212, 212L) are shared with the education general state licensure requirements.
BEID Major Requirements (16 credits)
Complete the following courses:
Choose from the following (4 credits):
- BIOL 365 Evolution - 3 credits AND
- BIOL 365L Evolution Laboratory - 1 credit
- BIOL 370 Principles of Ecology - 3 credits AND
- BIOL 370L Principles of Ecology Laboratory - 1 credit
Choose any 300 or 400 level BIOL course with a corequisite lab (4 credits) other than BIOL BIOL 340 and BIOL 350.
A grade of ‘C’ or better is required for all BIOL courses and all education certification requirements.
*BIOL 121, 121L and CHEM 111, 111L also satisfy the university core curriculum scientific concept requirements (group A). Though listed above under BIED foundation courses, the 4 credits that apply toward the university core curriculum are counted toward the total credits for the university core curriculum and not toward the BIED foundation total.
** MATH 160 or MATH 160A and 160B also satisfy the university core curriculum quantitative literacy requirement (group D). Though listed above under BIED foundation courses, the 4 credits that apply toward the university core curriculum are counted toward the total credits for the university core curriculum and not the BIED foundation total.
Cognate or Minor Requirements (0 credits)
Total Credit Required: 122 128 credits