2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 18, 2025  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • FREN 280  - Cinema for French Conversation (3 credits)

    A practice of intermediate French conversation focused on French cinema. Intensive practice in spoken and written French with special emphasis on increased cultural understanding through cinematic representations of French culture. S.
  • FREN 305L  - Discussion for French/Francophone Cultural History through Literature (1 credit)

    (Coreq: LIS 305 ) Additional discussion to accompany/supplement LIS 305: selected translated readings of French/Francophone literature from a range of time periods, literary movements, and genres; discussion and analysis of a variety of texts, with consideration of their cultural and historical backgrounds. Course taught in French. This course may be repeated up to two times for credit under different topics. F, S.
  • FREN 310  - French Grammar and Composition (3 credits)

    (Prereq: FREN 220  or equivalent) Intensive practice in French grammar and composition. Students should also register for FREN 325 .
  • FREN 311  - French Conversation (3 credits)

    (Prereq: FREN 210  or equivalent) Intensive practice in spoken French.
  • FREN 316  - French Phonetics (3 credits)

    (Prereq: FREN 210  or equivalent) A course in pronunciation of French with attention to correction of difficulties encountered by English speakers. Students will make regular use of the language laboratory.
  • FREN 325  - French Conversation II (1 credit)

    (Prereq: FREN 220  or equivalent) Intensive practice in advanced spoken French.
  • FREN 350  - French Language Study Abroad (3 to 6 credits)

    (Prereq: Approval by Foreign Language faculty) Language study abroad with instruction by native speakers. Credit hours granted dependent on the number of hours taken. Upon successful completion of an approved program, students must furnish a certificate and/or examination results. Prior consultation with the department chair of Languages and Intercultural Studies is mandatory before enrollment.
  • FREN 390  - Introduction to French Literature I (3 credits)

    (Prereq: FREN 310  or equivalent) A survey of French literature from the Middle Ages through the 18th century.
  • FREN 391  - Introduction to French Literature II (3 credits)

    (Prereq: FREN 310  or equivalent) A survey of French literature of the 19th century and 20th century.
  • FREN 399  - Independent Study (3 credits)

    (Prereq: A written contract between the student and instructor for a special topic dealing with French language or culture, and approved by the dean of the College of Humanities and Fine Arts) May not be used to satisfy the French Minor Core. This course may be repeated for credits under different topics.
  • FREN 400  - French Civilization (3 credits)

    (Prereq: FREN 310  or equivalent) Practice in oral and written French through a study of the culture, history and development of France from its beginnings to the present day. Students should also register for FREN 425 .
  • FREN 401  - La France Contemporaine (3 credits)

    (Prereq: FREN 310  or equivalent) Reading and discussions on the culture of contemporary France.
  • FREN 415  - French Linguistics (3 credits)

    (Prereq: FREN 210  or equivalent) Presentation and evaluation of various linguistic models and their application to the teaching of French.
  • FREN 425  - Advanced Composition in French (1 credit)

    (Prereq: FREN 310 ) Development of advanced writing skills in French.
  • FREN 448  - Teaching of French (3 credits)

    (Prereq: permission of the department chair) Study of the latest methodologies, theories, and materials for teaching modern languages.
  • FREN 495  - Internship (3 credits)

    (Prereq: FREN 350  or special permission) This is a guided internship and requires 120 hours of outside work, a journal, and a final evaluation paper. Students must have permission of the department chair before applying for internship. Application for the internship can be obtained without receiving permission from the department chair. Students are professionally supervised in an organization while working 120 hours during a semester (12 weeks at 10 hours per week). The application states the course’s objective, requirements, and grading procedures. A contract between the student and the facility or organization where the internship will take place is signed by all parties - the student faculty supervisor, chair of the department, and the dean of the College of Humanities and Fine Arts. During the internship period, students are required to maintain a journal. Interim and final reports are sent to the organization by the coordinator of internships.


  • GEOG 120  - Cultures and Environments (3 credits)

    (=ANTH 120 ) This course will introduce students to intersections between people and the world around them. We will explore the ways in which the environment shapes human cultures, how cultures adapt and change the environment, and the feedback loops that are created in an anthropogenic landscape. We will use case studies to illustrate these theories and discuss how our perspectives inform our understanding and interpretation of environments and human cultures, both past and present. F, S, Su.
  • GEOG 121  - World Regional Geography (3 credits)

    An introduction to basic geographical concepts used by geographers in examining the fundamental contrasts between various countries of the world. Analysis of regions of the world, western and non-western, with respect to physical, cultural (both majority and minority), political and economic orientation.
  • GEOG 200  - Digital Earth (3 credits)

    An introductory course that will provide students with an overview of existing and emerging geospatial technologies and their increasing role in shaping our daily lives and the ways in which we interact with the environment and with each other. Students will be introduced to geospatial technologies including Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), mainstream internet mapping applications such as Google Maps and Google Earth, and location-driven social media. F, S.
  • GEOG 201  - Introduction to Physical Geography (3 credits)

    (Coreq: GEOG 201L ) An exploration of the patterns and processes of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. Emphasis is placed on the spatial significance and influence of these spheres as well as human-environment dynamics. F, S.
  • GEOG 201L  - Introduction to Physical Geography Laboratory (1 credit)

    (Coreq: GEOG 201 ) Through laboratory exercises, students will explore the patterns and processes of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. Students will analyze data and employ the scientific method to understand how Earth’s patterns and processes developed and how they continue to change. F, S.
  • GEOG 204  - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems GIS (3 credits)

    A survey course that provides an introduction to the display, manipulation and management of geographic information systems. Topics include geographical data input, storage, maintenance, analysis and retrieval. S.
  • GEOG 300  - Human Landscapes (3 credits)

    (=ANTH 300 ) (Prereq: ANTH 120 /GEOG 120 ) This course intensively examines the way in which anthropologists and geographers use landscape analysis in studies of the interaction between people and their environment. We will discuss the formation of anthropogenic landscapes and feedback cycles, and the way in which this affects human behaviors past and present. Case studies can include agriculture, climate change, pollution, population, urbanization, and the Anthropocene. F, S, Su.
  • GEOG 301  - Concepts in Geography (3 credits)

    (Prereq: ANTH 120 /GEOG 120 , or permission of the instructor) This course will explore the basic concepts, methods, and schools of thought in the discipline of geography, including human and physical geography. Students will explore the history and development of schools of thought in modern geography, including regional science, spatial science, GIScience, and critical geographies. Key concepts that will be covered include spatial analysis, scale, space and place, human-environment interaction, globalization, and development. F, S, Su.
  • GEOG 310  - Digital Cartography (3 credits)

    (Prereq: GEOG 200  or GEOG 204 , or permission of the instructor) An introductory course that will provide students with an overview of maps, mapmaking (cartography), and the tools and techniques of digital cartography. Students will be introduced to geospatial technologies utilized in cartography, including Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Through a combination of lectures, discussions, and hands-on exercises, students will explore the design and production of digital maps and cartographic visualizations, and develop an understanding of the ethical and social issues involved in the mapmaking process. F, S.
  • GEOG 311 Q - Earth Observation (3 credits)

    (Prereq: GEOG 200  or permission of the instructor) An introductory course that provides students with an overview of earth observation through remote sensed images from aircraft and satellites. Students are introduced to basic concepts such as the origin of remote sensing and earth observation programs, as well as remote sensing technologies such as aerial and satellite imaging systems and related geospatial technologies such as GIS that are utilized in processing, analyzing and presenting data gathering from earth observation sensors. Through a combination of lectures, discussions, and hands-on exercises, students explore the remote sensing process and how it is used for earth observation, types of remotely-sensed data, analysis methods, and applications of earth observation techniques. F, S.
  • GEOG 312  - Spatial Analysis Using GIS (3 credits)

    (Prereq: GEOG 204 ) An intermediate course that builds on students’ Geographic Information Systems (GIS) skills to explore the use of GIS in spatial analysis and modeling. Topics covered include types of GIS analysis functionality, developing models to perform spatial analysis, introduction to specialized spatial analysis techniques such as terrain analysis and network analysis, and presentation of spatial analysis results using appropriate cartographic and geovisualization techniques. F, S.
  • GEOG 320  - Introduction to Weather and Climate (3 credits)

    The interrelationship of weather elements and controls and the spatial distributions of climate and vegetation. Students will become familiar with the basic concepts and processes associated with weather (atmospheric and oceanic circulation, temperature, moisture, pressure, winds, weather systems), as well as become familiar with climate types, climate variability and the impact of human activity on weather and climate found throughout the world today. F, S, Su.
  • GEOG 331  - Topics in Historical Geography (3 credits)

    This course explores the way in which geographic phenomena change through time. We seek to understand how cultural, geographic, and political features developed by examining the interaction of human societies and their physical and social environment. Emphasis is placed on an analysis of themes such as historical landscape study, cultural interaction, immigration, environment, and economic change. Students explore each topic in depth through a combination of lectures, discussions, readings, and hands-on projects or research papers. The course may be repeated for up to six (6) hours of credit under different topics. F, S, Su.
  • GEOG 399  - Independent Study (1 to 6 credits)

    (Prereq: Written contract between student and instructor) This course may be repeated for credit under different topics.
  • GEOG 400  - Geospatial Intelligence (3 credits)

    (Prereq: GEOG 200  or permission of the instructor) This course provides students with an introduction to existing and emerging geospatial technologies and their application across a wide range of disciplines dealing with intelligence, security, and decision making. Students will explore the geospatial technologies utilized in intelligence analysis, including Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and 3D visualization, develop hands-on skills in digital mapping and explore applications of geospatial intelligence in a number of fields, including defense intelligence, law enforcement, and emergency management. F, S.
  • GEOG 424  - Geography of North America (3 credits)

    Physical and cultural geography of North America with emphasis on the United States.
  • GEOG 425  - Geography of Europe (3 credits)

    Physical and cultural geography of Europe.
  • GEOG 426  - Geography of Latin America (3 credits)

    Physical, cultural, and economic geography of Latin America.
  • GEOG 450  - Digital Heritage: Historical Digital Reconstruction (3 credits)

    (=ARTH 450 ) (Prereq: Permission of the instructor) This course leverages digital technologies as tools for studying, visualizing, and contextualizing various aspects of material culture, including sculpture, architecture, and ritual objects. Central to this course is critical engagement with digital tools as used in the fields of art history, archaeology, public history, and virtual heritage. Focused on a semester-long historical case study, this course is predominantly hands-on, providing an opportunity for students to develop and utilize interdisciplinary and transferable skills, including 3D modeling, mapping digital photography, photogrammetry, and graphic and web design. To that end, students will conduct focused research on an object, monument, or site in order to produce a full documented essay. This essay will form the scholarly basis for a digital project that may employ any appropriate technologies, including Photoshop, SketchUp, GIS, Omeka/ Neatline, Dreamweaver, and Tourweaver. The course may be repeated for up to six credit hours. F, S, Su.
  • GEOG 452 Q - Digital Heritage: Virtual Landscapes (3 credits)

    (=ARTH 452 ) This course introduces students to a variety of digital technologies that can be used to recreate and represent historical and contemporary landscapes, as well as to present historical content and scholarly documentation within virtual landscape platforms. The critical visualization of landscapes is a practice of growing importance in the fields of digital and public history, archaeology, art and architectural history, cultural geography, and digital heritage. Students need no prior technical expertise to complete this course. Students will learn how to build interactive 3D models using digital authoring software, and how to generate virtual landscape features and platforms in various software packages. Students also work collaboratively to develop multimedia scholarly content that documents the changing landscapes of a digital place. For the final project, individual 3D models and multimedia content are embedded within an immersive and interactive virtual landscape. F, S, Su.
  • GEOG 456 Q - Video Game Worlds (3 credits)

    This course explores the concepts and methods of virtual worldbuilding and the use of environmental storytelling in modern 3D video games as a mechanism for creating immersive, interactive narratives. Throughout the course, we discuss these concepts through readings and interaction with modern 3D video games to explore how these concepts and storytelling mechanics are implemented. During the course, we will also get hands-on experience with game and virtual world building tools such as Unity, in preparation for designing and building our own virtual world stories/games for an in-depth, hands-on final project. This course may be repeated for up to six credit hours. F, S, Su.
  • GEOG 491  - Special Topics in Geography/GIS (3 credits)

    (Prereq: GEOG 121  or GEOG 200 , AND permission of the instructor) An advanced course that will allow students who have already completed introductory courses in GIS and Geography to explore focused applications and research problems within the field. Topics can range from geography areas of interest such as urban geography or historical geography to specialized areas of inquiry in geospatial technologies, including urban planning, disaster management, historical GIS, 3D geovisualization, etc. Students will explore each topic in depth through a combination of lectures, discussions, readings, and hands-on projects or research papers. This course may be repeated for up to six credit hours under different topics. F, S.
  • GEOG 495 Q - Internship in Geography/GIS (1 to 12 credits)

    (Prereq: permission of the instructor) Internship opportunities across a wide range of institutions, agencies, organizations and businesses are available to students. This course may be repeated for credit. F, S, Su.
  • GEOG 498  - Capstone in Anthropology and Geography (3 credits)

    (=ANTH 498 ) (Prereq: ANTH 120 /GEOG 120  and ANTH 300 /GEOG 300 ) This course gives students the opportunity to synthesize the intersection of Anthropology and Geography in a capstone seminar that focuses on research and writing. Students will participate in readings, discussion, and a final paper that allows in-depth analysis of a selected case study. F, S, Su.
  • GEOG 499  - Senior Thesis (3 credits)

    (=ANTH 499 ) (Prereq: permission of the instructor) A course designed to assess and improve research skills, writing ability, and general mastery of the field. Under the close supervision of a member of the department, students will review primary and secondary source materials and write one 20-page thesis of graduate school quality. F, S, Su.


  • GEOL 102  - Environmental Geology (3 credits)

    (=MSCI 102 ) (Coreq: GEOL 102L ) The geologic processes and features that affect human usage and development of Earth’s resources. Topics include natural hazards such as earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions, use of natural resources such as surface and ground waters, soils, and the coastal zone as well as contamination control. F, Su.
  • GEOL 102L  - Environmental Geology Laboratory (1 credit)

    (=MSCI 102L ) (Coreq: GEOL 102 ) The environmental geology laboratory course focuses on active learning exercises demonstrating the dynamic interrelationships of Earth’s inhabitants, natural resources and geohazards. Specific exercises, conducted in the classroom and in the field, concern the resources and geohazards associated with mineral and rocks, global plate motions, earthquakes and volcanoes, wetlands and coastal regions and land-use issues. F, Su.
  • GEOL 111  - Physical Geology (3 credits)

    (Coreq: GEOL 111L ) This course illustrates the methods and enterprise of science as they have been applied to interpret the earth. The technical subject matter is concerned as much with natural processes as with their products-the minerals, rocks, fossils, structure and surface forms of the earth. The course emphasizes the interplay between hypothesis, experiment, and observable fact that characterizes productive physical science. Offered as needed.
  • GEOL 111L  - Physical Geology Laboratory (1 credit)

    (Coreq: GEOL 111 ) The laboratory demonstrates the topics and principles presented in lecture. Offered as needed.
  • GEOL 112  - The Origin and Evolution of the Marine Environment (3 credits)

    (=MSCI 112 ) (Prereq: GEOL 111 , MSCI 111 /MSCI 111L ) (Coreq: GEOL 112L ) Concepts concerning the origin and evolution of the earth and seas, with ecological processes related to their development. The origin and evolution of life including primitive forms in the marine environment. F, S.
  • GEOL 112L  - Marine Environment Laboratory (1 credit)

    (=MSCI 112L ) (Coreq: GEOL 112 ) Laboratory and field experiences to illustrate the process of evolution in the oceans and associated marine life. F, S.
  • GEOL 304  - Marine Geology (3 credits)

    (=MSCI 304 ) (Prereq: GEOL 112 /GEOL 112L ) (Coreq: GEOL 304L ) A comprehensive study of the origin and development of the major structural features of the ocean basin and the continental margins. Discussion of the techniques used in obtaining geologic data and the interpretation of sedimentary processes, volcanism and the stratigraphy of the ocean basins. F, S.
  • GEOL 304L  - Marine Geology Laboratory (1 credit)

    (=MSCI 304L ) (Coreq: GEOL 304 ) The laboratory demonstrates the topics and principles presented in lecture. F, S.
  • GEOL 316  - Sedimentary Geology (3 credits)

    (=MSCI 316 ) (Prereq: GEOL 102 , GEOL 111 , GEOL 112 , or MSCI 112 ) (Coreq: GEOL 316L ) Introduction to concepts and practices in the field of sedimentary geology including classical stratigraphic concepts, elementary sedimentary petrology and depositional environments. Each student is required to give an oral presentation. S, odd years.
  • GEOL 316L  - Sedimentary Geology Laboratory (1 credit)

    (=MSCI 316L ) (Coreq: GEOL 316 ) The laboratory demonstrates the topics and principles presented in lecture. S, odd years.
  • GEOL 318  - Physical Analysis of Sediments (3 credits)

    (=MSCI 318 ) (Prereq: permission of the instructor) (Coreq: GEOL 318L ) Detailed treatment of modern approaches to sedimentary analysis including textural and structural studies, mineral separation, beneficiation, and suspended sediment treatment of unconsolidated laboratory materials. Each student is required to give an oral presentation. Offered as needed.
  • GEOL 318L  - Physical Analysis of Sediments Laboratory (1 credit)

    (=MSCI 318L ) (Coreq: GEOL 318 ) The laboratory demonstrates the topics and principles presented in lecture. Offered as needed.
  • GEOL 399  - Independent Study (1 to 6 credits)

    (Prereq: permission of the instructor and approved contract) Directed study and/or research on specific topics. F, S, Su.
  • GEOL 416  - Hydrogeology (3 credits)

    (=MSCI 416 ) (Prereq: MSCI 304  or permission of the instructor) This course will cover the elements of the hydrologic cycle, emphasizing ground and surface water movement through the hydrologic system. Topics will include hydrogeology, streams and floods, estuarine and wetland hydrology, properties of water, and the hydrologic continuum between rivers and the sea. Lecture will focus on theoretical aspects of water movement and the hydrologic system. Offered as needed.
  • GEOL 416L  - Hydrogeology Laboratory (1 credit)

    (=MSCI 416L ) The laboratory demonstrates the topics and principles presented in lecture. Offered as needed.
  • GEOL 487  - Selected Topics in Coastal Geology (1 to 4 credits)

    (Prereq: permission of the instructor) These topics are designed to allow the development of seminars and courses in special areas of coastal geology.
  • GEOL 499  - Directed Undergraduate Research (1 to 4 credits)

    (Prereq: A contract must be approved by the instructor and geology minor coordinator by the time of registration) Structured undergraduate research projects conducted with faculty direction and participation, or within the context of an approved off-campus internship. Projects explore geological problems using the scientific method. One conference and no less than five laboratory hours or field research per week. F, S, Su.


  • GERM 110  - Introductory German I (3 credits)

    Fundamentals of the language through aural comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. F, S.
  • GERM 111  - Introductory German I -II (3 credits)

    (Intensive) Fundamentals of the language through aural comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing, Equivalent to GERM 110 -GERM 120 . Intended for students with two years of high school German with an average grade of ‘B’ or better, or by placement.
  • GERM 115  - German Studies I (5 credits)

    This class introduces students to the German language and the many facets of German culture. This course also helps students develop the basic language skills of speaking, listening, and communicating in everyday situations in German-speaking cultures. As a hybrid course, three credit hours are delivered face-to-face and two hours via distance learning format. F, S.
  • GERM 120  - Introductory German II (3 credits)

    (Prereq: GERM 110  or by placement) A continuation of GERM 110 . Fundamentals of the language through aural comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. F, S.
  • GERM 210  - Intermediate German Studies I (3 credits)

    (Prereq: GERM 115  or by placement) Intensive review and enhancement of fundamental language skills in preparation for advanced-level coursework. F, S.
  • GERM 301L  - German Language and Culture Laboratory (1 credit)

    (Prereq: permission of the instructor) Practice in various aspects of the German language in conjunction with a course with an LIS designation on a topic related to German. Activities may include conversation, translation, reading, and listening exercises. May be used to fulfill required electives for the German minor. This course may be repeated for up to six credits under different topics. F, S.
  • GERM 310  - German Grammar and Composition (3 credits)

    (Prereq: GERM 210  or equivalent; permission of the Department) Intensive practice in German grammar and composition.
  • GERM 311  - German Conversation (3 credits)

    (Prereq: GERM 210  and permission of the Department) Intensive practice in spoken German.
  • GERM 350  - German Language Study Abroad (3 to 6 credits)

    (Prereq: Approval by Foreign Language faculty) Language study abroad with instruction by native speakers. Credit hours granted dependent on the number of hours taken. Upon successful completion of an approved program students must furnish a certificate and/or examination results. Prior consultation with the department chair of Languages and Intercultural Studies is mandatory before enrollment.
  • GERM 390  - Introduction to German Literature I (3 credits)

    (Prereq: GERM 210  or equivalent; permission of the Department) Reading and discussion of representative works of German prose, drama, and lyric poetry from Germanic times through the late eighteenth century.
  • GERM 391  - Introduction to German Literature II (3 credits)

    (Prereq: GERM 210  or equivalent; permission of the department chair) Reading and discussion of representative works of German prose, drama, and lyric poetry from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
  • GERM 398  - Selected Topics in Translation (3 credits)

    (Prereq: permission of the department) Selected topics in German literature and culture. Readings in English; topics announced in advance. This course may be repeated for credit under different topics.
  • GERM 399  - Independent Study (3 credits)

    (Prereq: A written contract between the student and the instructor for a special topic dealing with German language or culture, and approved by the dean of the College of Humanities and Fine Arts) May not be used to satisfy the German Minor Core. This course may be repeated for credit under different topics.
  • GERM 400  - German Civilization (3 credits)

    (Prereq: GERM 210  or equivalent; permission of the department) A broad survey of German civilization and cultural history from the Germanic origins through the Third Reich/World War II.
  • GERM 401  - Contemporary Germany (3 credits)

    (Prereq: GERM 210  or equivalent; permission of the department) An in-depth examination of the civilization and cultural life of post-war Germany with additional consideration of Austria and Switzerland.
  • GERM 405  - Topics in German (3 credits)

    (Prereq: GERM 210  or equivalent; permission of the department) Reading and discussion on selected topics in German language, literature, and culture. This course may be repeated for credit under different topics.
  • GERM 415  - German Linguistics and Phonology (3 credits)

    (Prereq: GERM 210  or equivalent; permission of the department) An overview of the history of the German language and introduction to German phonology, with an emphasis on teaching applications.
  • GERM 448  - Teaching of German (3 credits)

    (Prereq: permission of the department) Study of the latest methodologies, theories, and materials for teaching modern languages.
  • GERM 495  - Internship (3 credits)

    (Prereq: GERM 350  or special permission) This is a guided internship and requires 120 hours of outside work, a journal, and a final evaluation paper. Students must have permission of the department chair before applying for internship. Application for the internship can be obtained without receiving permission from the department chair. Students are professionally supervised in an organization while working 120 hours during a semester (12 weeks at 10 hours per week). The application states the course’s objective, requirements, and grading procedures. A contract between the student and the facility or organization where the internship will take place is signed by all parties - the student faculty supervisor, chair of the department, and the dean of the College of Humanities and Fine Arts. During the internship period, students are required to maintain a journal. Interim and final reports are sent to the organization by the coordinator of internships.

Health Administration

  • BSHA 305  - Health Care Marketing (3 credits)

    (Prereq: CBAD 350 ) This course is an introduction to the principles and practices associated with marketing in a health care setting. The course will cover the major topics surrounding health care marketing in the current dynamic health care environment. Topics will include, but not be limited to, developing a market orientation; organizing a marketing operation; consumer behavior; market research; market segmentation; elements of a marketing plan; development of a marketing plan. F, S, Su.
  • BSHA 380  - Human Resource Management in Health Care (3 credits)

    (Prereq: PUBH 380 ) This course will introduce students to the various personnel functions in health services organizations, including recruitment, selection, job analysis, performance appraisal, compensation/ benefits, employee health, grievance, discipline, discharge and organizational development. In addition, students will gain an understanding of current social, behavioral, legal and ethical issues from a human resources planning and management perspective in health care. F, S, Su.
  • BSHA 382  - Budgeting and Finance in Health Care (3 credits)

    (Prereq: CBAD 201 ) Students will study accounting and financial management principles and their application to operational problems in health care. In addition, students will study budgeting and gain skills in developing budgets in different healthcare units. Students will gain competence in the techniques of forecasting financial results for individual projects and the organization. In addition, major reimbursement systems will be covered, such as Medicare, Medicaid, and third-party payment systems. F, S, Su.
  • BSHA 398  - Special Topics in Health Administration (3 credits)

    (Prereq: permission of the instructor) This course is designed as a seminar that will focus on a specialty area of Health Administration. Examples may be: Medical Informatics, Medical Insurance and Quality Improvement. This course may be repeated for credit under different topics. F, S, Su.
  • BSHA 399  - Independent Study in Health Administration (2 to 6 credits)

    (Prereq: permission of the instructor) Students may select a special topic in health care administration that they wish to learn more about. The faculty member most qualified will direct the independent study with the individual student. The student and the faculty member will jointly write the course objectives and the student learning outcomes for the course. A plan of study will be developed jointly and the method of evaluation will be determined by the faculty. Independent studies may be taken more than once as the topic changes. F, S, Su.
  • BSHA 420  - Health Care Policy and Management (3 credits)

    Course Restriction(s): Junior Standing. (Restricted to junior standing) This course will provide an overview of health care policy issues from a clinical perspective. It will illuminate America’s health care system with regard to payment and access to care, reimbursement to care providers, organization of health delivery systems, the health care workforce and education of health professionals, long-term care and medical ethics of rationing care, mechanisms for controlling costs, and the measurement of care quality. In addition, health care reform and the conflict and change in America’s health care system will be examined in relation to the continuum of health care systems of four international nations. S.
  • BSHA 449  - Leadership and Organizational Change in Health Care (3 credits)

    (Prereq: CBAD 301 ) This course is designed to prepare students to assume leadership roles in a changing health care environment. It examines the change process and the impact of leadership, organizational structure, and organizational culture on change. Through assessments and interactive experiences, students gain insight into their own leadership and change management skills. They also design leadership development and change management plans. F.
  • BSHA 455  - Managing Health Information (3 credits)

    (Prereq: Statistics) This course is an introduction to health information management from the perspective of control and management of information resources. It includes strategic information systems planning, integration and maintenance of organizational information technologies and coordination of policies and procedure for technology acquisition implementation and operations. This course is also designed to develop skills in problem identification, assessment of needs, and evaluation of objectives. Emphasis is on collection, organization, and evaluation of health care programs. F, S, Su.
  • BSHA 456  - Health Data Analysis (3 credits)

    (Prereq: BSHA 455  and Statistics) This course is designed to give students experience in analyzing and completing health information projects including; data design and collection, clinical performance measurement, data presentation, and reading and understanding professional statistical publications. Qualitative and quantitative data analysis and inferential analysis are included in class activities. F, S, Su.


  • HIST 101  - The Foundations of European Civilization to 1648 (3 credits)

    An introduction to the foundations of European Civilization, beginning with the early civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia, followed by a survey of the history of ancient Greece and Rome, the rise of Christianity, the transmission of this heritage to Europe, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Reformation.
  • HIST 102  - Introduction to European Civilization from 1648 to the Present (3 credits)

    A survey of the rise of European civilization from the end of the Thirty Years’ War to the present.
  • HIST 105 Q* - Pre-Modern World (3 credits)

    This course explores historical interpretations of pre-modern human experiences. Topics will be chosen by the instructor and may be repeated for up to six credit hours under different topics. F, S, M, Su.
  • HIST 106 Q* - Modern World (3 credits)

    This course explores historical interpretations of modern human experiences. Topics will be chosen by the instructor and may be repeated for up to six credit hours under different topics. F, S, M, Su.
  • HIST 111  - World History to 1500 (3 credits)

    World History to 1500 examining the emergence of key civilization in India, China, Africa and Europe.
  • HIST 112  - World History Since 1500 (3 credits)

    World History since 1500 examines the nature and interactions between Europeans, Asians, Africans, Pacific Islanders and Americans from the “voyages of oceanic discovery” through the ages of democratic and industrial revolutions and into the era of contemporary global developments.
  • HIST 125  - The Middle East Since 610 CE (3 credits)

    This course will expose students to the major events, leaders, civilizations and themes in the history of the Middle East between the 7th and 21st centuries. It will cover such topics as the origins of Islam, the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire, the rise of nationalism, the World Wars, the struggles for independence, political and cultural developments, and the armed conflicts of the late 20th century. F, S, Su.
  • HIST 126  - Modern East Asia (3 credits)

    This course examines the historical foundations of the social, political, and cultural evolution of China, Korea, and Japan with a focus on the 19th and early 20th century experience. F, S.
  • HIST 152  - War & Society in the Modern Era (3 credits)

    This course will explore how war and warfare have shaped the world since 1500. Topics will include the development of political and martial strategies, both state and sub-state; technological and operational innovations; social and cultural consequences; commemoration and memory. Possible examples can include the Napoleonic Wars, the U.S. Civil War, colonial wars, the Sino-Japanese War(s), world wars, the Cold War, resistance movements, guerrillas, insurgents, and militias. F, S, May, Su.
  • HIST 200  - Introduction to Southern Studies (3 credits)

    This survey course will take an interdisciplinary approach to the idea of southern identity by specifically investigating the history of the geographic region. We may explore the South as a way of life, investigating the cultural practices and traditions that have given the region its distinctive identity. We will ask: “what is the South,” “where is the South,” and “who are Southerners” looking at how these identities and realities have evolved over time. This course introduces students to the craft and concepts involved in interdisciplinary knowledge production, and will serve as an introductory course to the Southern Studies minor. Students will be exposed to materials used in a multitude of disciplines and will be asked to evaluate and interpret such documents as historical primary sources, memoirs, literary works, films, photographs, artifacts, music, and art. F.
  • HIST 201  - History of the United States from Discovery to the Present: Discovery through Reconstruction (3 credits)

    A general survey of the United States from the era of discovery to the present, emphasizing major political, economic, social, and intellectual developments. HIST 201: Discovery through Reconstruction. HIST 202 : Reconstruction to the Present.
  • HIST 202  - History of the United States from Discovery to the Present: Reconstruction to the Present (3 credits)

    A general survey of the United States from the era of discovery to the present, emphasizing major political, economic, social, and intellectual developments. HIST 201 : Discovery through Reconstruction. HIST 202: Reconstruction to the Present.
  • HIST 205  - U.S. History (3 credits)

    This course explores the historical development of connections between individuals, societies and cultures in the Americas. Topics will be chosen by the instructor and may be repeated for up to six credit hours under different topics. F, S, M, Su.
  • HIST 250  - Historical Research and Writing (3 credits)

    A course designed to teach both written and oral communication in history. Topics include compiling a scholarly bibliography on a historical topic, interpreting primary and secondary sources, developing a clear thesis, ensuring academic integrity, using Chicago-style documentation, and presenting work in a scholarly fashion. A minimum of twelve pages of graded, written work, with substantial opportunities for revision, and at least one graded oral presentation required. Topics chosen by the Professor. For History majors, HIST 250 is a corequisite or prerequisite for all upper-level courses.

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